Lottery Redemption Game Machine for Carnival Playground are made with stable and refined mechanism to provide players more chanllengble interests with great bonus and jackpot. They all are featured by coin operated and get lottery Redemption for prize.
Main market covers the USA and EU for amusement coin operated game center.
Carnival Lottery Redemption Machine can serve 12-month warranty and 3~5 year life time. Have a large interest in both personal leisure and business investment value and with less after-sale issures.
Carnival Lottery Redemption Machine is popular for family fun and friends circle, and they are present at major exhibitions around the world.
For Supplying of Carnival Lottery Redemption Machine, there is no need to worry about the factory production ability. Normally a container machine needs around 20~25 days for factory.
Factory Display of Carnival Lottery Redemption Machine
Super Spin facory show -Tomy Arcade
a demon agent and dozen devil in productionOrange crazy clown coin operated game in production -Tomy arcadePurple Crazy Clown with in prodcution -tomy arcadeBall drop coin-op amusement game- tomy arcadelet's diso Cyclone amusement arcade game in production- tomy arcade